Terms and Conditions

We guarantee your data privacy

Article 1 - Definitions

1.1 "Service" refers to the online paid service allowing to generate texts automatically using optimized templates.

1.2 "User" means any natural or legal person who uses the Service.

1.3 "GPT-3.5 Turbo" and "GPT-4" refer to the text generation templates developed by OpenAI.

1.4 "Fine Quill" refer to the algorithm developed by AI Logik to optimize GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 completion.

Article 2 - Purpose

The purpose of these general terms and conditions is to define the terms and conditions of use of the Service by the User.

Article 3 - Acceptance of the general conditions

The use of the Service implies the full acceptance of the present general conditions by the User.

Article 4 - Access to the Service

4.1 Access to the Service is reserved for Users who have taken out a paid subscription.

4.2 Payment methods, rates and subscription conditions are available on the Service website.

Article 5 - Use of the Service

5.1 The User agrees to use the Service in accordance with these terms and conditions and the laws and regulations in force.

5.2 The User is responsible for the content generated by the Service and agrees not to use the Service to generate content that is illegal, discriminatory, defamatory or contrary to public order and morality.

5.3 The User acknowledges that the results provided by the Service may vary depending on the models used (GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4) and the parameters of the optimization algorithm.

Article 6 - Free Account and Multiple Use

6.1 To give the User the opportunity to test the Service, AIQuill offers free access to a trial version of the Service. The terms and conditions of use of this trial version are defined on the Service website.

6.2 The User accepts that he/she is authorized to create and use only one free account. Any attempt by the same User to create more than one free account will constitute a breach of these terms and conditions.

6.3 AIQuill uses detection technologies to identify and delete multiple accounts created by the same User. By accepting these terms and conditions, the User agrees to the use of these technologies.

6.4 In the event of detection of multiple accounts associated with the same User, AIQuill reserves the right to suspend or delete all accounts of that User without prior notice.

Article 7 - Intellectual Property

7.1 The GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 models are the exclusive property of OpenAI. The User does not acquire any intellectual property rights to these models.

7.2 The User holds the intellectual property rights to the texts generated by the Service, subject to respect for the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Article 8 - Liability

8.1 The Service provider shall use all necessary means to ensure a level of performance and availability of the Service in accordance with market standards. However, the Service provider cannot be held responsible in case of failure or unavailability of the Service.

8.2 The User is responsible for the use he makes of the Service and the texts generated. The Service provider declines all responsibility in case of prejudice resulting from the use of the Service by the User, in particular in case of violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Article 9 - Personal data

Users' personal data are processed in accordance with the Service's privacy policy, available on the Service's website.

Article 10 - Rates and payment terms

10.1 The rates applicable for the use of the Service, as well as the payment terms, are available on the page dedicated to the rates and payment terms of the Service website.

10.2 The rates and payment terms may be modified at any time by the Service provider. The changes will be effective as soon as they are published on the Service website. It is the User's responsibility to regularly consult the page dedicated to rates and payment terms to be aware of any changes.

10.3 The User is responsible for paying the fees associated with the use of the Service in accordance with the rates and payment terms in effect at the time of use of the Service.

Article 11 - No refund policy

11.1 Since our Service offers free credit without obligation, the User is deemed to have used the Service and to have been able to judge its value. Consequently, no refunds will be made.

11.2 Once the user has accessed the service and taken advantage of it, he/she may not request a refund, as he/she is deemed to have used the service and to have judged it satisfactory or beneficial.

11.3 By registering and using the service, the user accepts this non-refund policy. Any request for a refund after using the service will therefore be refused.

11.4 Should the user continue to use the service after having been informed of this policy, he/she is deemed to have accepted the terms of this non-refund policy.

Article 12 - Modification of the general conditions

The Service provider reserves the right to modify these general terms and conditions at any time. The modifications will come into effect as soon as they are published on the Service website.

Article 13 - Applicable law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by the law [to be specified according to the country where the Service provider is located]. In the event of a dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of these terms and conditions, the parties shall endeavor to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute shall be brought before the competent courts of the jurisdiction of the Service provider's registered office.

Article 14 - Miscellaneous provisions

14.1 If any of the provisions of these general terms and conditions are declared null, illegal or inapplicable by a court decision, the other provisions will remain in force.

14.2 The Service Provider's failure to insist upon strict performance of any provision of these terms and conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or of the right to subsequently insist upon strict performance of such provision.

14.3 These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the User and the Service Provider with respect to the use of the Service, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions.

Date last updated: 06/05/2023